A worthy cause

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This isn’t my typical post.  I wanted to take the time this morning to recognize a wonderful person in my life whose tireless work helps thousands in the Houson area,  My Sister, Marian Sparks.  If you watch the 4 minute … Continued

Exceptional Durability

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Prairie Dog boring machines are built to last.  We use quality components such as Honda engines on all but our handheld machine which features an Echo engine.  Engine parts, if needed are easily accessible locally just about anywhere in the … Continued

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Prairie Dog boring machines are easy to operate, easy to maintain and get your job done for the lowest cost of any methods available for the size. We can bore 2 inch to 28 inch holes across roads, driveways, highways or … Continued

Prairie Dog 700TWG

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Prairie Dog Boring Equipment Inc. is introducing a new model, the 700TWG.  Building on the success of the 500TWG.  The 700 comes with enough horsepower to bore 8″holes.  The compact size allows for use in tight areas along roadsides in … Continued