Prairie Dog keeps it simple

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Keeping it simple not only applies to our machines but to our way of handling our business.  That includes simply answering the phone.  We don’t have a call center or a service.  When you call our local or toll free … Continued

Prairie Dog tech tip – sand

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Previously I’ve discussed how to combat particularly difficult cohesive soil conditions where tight reactive clay doesn’t break apart into a good slurry or adding water to it can make the bore hole swell up and constrict the drill string. The … Continued

Ethanol Free gas.

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The machines we build at Prairie Dog Boring Equipment, Inc. use small gasoline engines.  Simply because of the time we’ve been at our location we work on engines other than just the ones we install on our machines.  Consequently I … Continued

Tech tip on cohesive soils

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Prairie Dog Tech tip Soil Cohesion. Cohesive soils are ones that tend to stick together such as clay.  They do this because the individual particles are small. Non-cohesive or granular soils aren’t as apt to stick together.  This is because … Continued

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