Gene Camargo,

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Hey Bill, I just wanted to share with you a 12” bore we did over a 60’ length and hit the bore pit center on.   It’s a you tube video because of the size Gene Camargo, General Manager McCoy Water Supply … Continued

Raymond Gray

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Spent our morning putting our new equipment to use! The manufacture said to start with a small job and work your way up to the big ones. Those that know me will say that’s not my style. We bought 2 … Continued

Wayman Morrow

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Great customer service from Bill, we have had pretty good success with our 1200 TW boring machine since we purchased it in 2009. Bill is always very professional and helpful when we call. We will continue to do business with … Continued

Reuben Garza

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Bill…We have been very pleased with the performance of the Prairie Dog 1200TW machine that we purchased. We just completed a project with fourteen driveway bores ranging from 12’ to 25’ without any problems at all. We are looking forward … Continued

Jimmie Brock

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I am the Construction Manager for Quadvest LP. We are a water and wastewater utility company. We currently have 3 Prairie Dogs. Two of these are used on a daily basis, the third is used when we get behind. The … Continued

Obinna Oforma

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Bill, Your machine was tested yesterday and it is wonderful. We we able to make a perfect hole…Your boring machine is super.   Obinna Oforma Digital Security Technology, LTD Enugu, Nigeria Model 900RTW

Lonnie Duncan

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Bill, I just wanted to say thanks, this machine is perfect for us. This gives us the opportunity to give our customers a lot better price on short bores. The “big boys” charge an arm and leg to do these … Continued

TSgt. Thomas Kiser, USAF

posted in: Testimonials | 0

Thanks Bill,…I ordered 1 of these back in 2008 for Kirkuk regional air base, Iraq. You saved more time and unnecessary repairs on roadway and airfield maintenance, the Prairie Dog is a great machine!! I’m looking to acquire another one … Continued

David Wright

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“TRIED AND TRUE, DOES WHAT IT’S SUPPOSED TO” David Wright – TNG Utility, Spring, Texas – Model 500RTW

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